I am writing a space based game one of the things i would like to do is to have nav meshes etc however as i am writing a space game things need to be large and rending a large amount of nav meshes takes forever so i have started trying to build it so that you have multipule scenes, my issue is, when i change from one scene to the other say scene1 to scene2, scene 1 pauses and loads scene2, is there any way to have both scene1 and scene2 run at the same time?? i am aware of loadscence aditive however i dont wish to add anything to the other scene i wish to keep everything separate is there any way you can have two running at once?
So you could use that I did have the thought of just adding donotdistroy to every gameobjecr In the scene so say when a ship is moving from one planet to another when I go to a different scene with a different solar system that ship will keep moving and not reset am I correct?