so i’m working on my grid based pathfinding using A*
it more or less works
however, if i get multiple units to try and go to an unreachable node, they end up searching the entire map (which at the moment is 100x100, so 10000 nodes), and this results in sudden framerate drops
i’m calling the pathfinding function in it’s own thread, so as far as i understand, it should be running parallel to the main thread without slowing down the framerate
but evidently i’m wrong, the profiler shows me 1-7 out of 18 units taking 50-120 ms for their pathfinding when they try to go to an unreachable (surrounded) node
i’ve been searching all day, trying different things, and it always ends up with the same results, can’t figure out why the pathfinding is slowing down the main thread
this is the unit script which handles his movement + pathfinding, the only other relevant thing i have is the bit that returns neighboring nodes and stores the map, which isn’t important to the issue
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
public class Seeker : Actor
//is the pathfinding thread running
public bool searchingPath = false;
//the path
public List<NodeElement> path = new List<NodeElement>();
//the node we're currently standing on
public NodeElement curNode;
//the last node we were trying to reach
public NodeElement LastDestination;
public NodeElement LastPathElement()
return path[path.Count - 1];
// public Animator anim;
public float Speed = 4;
public Quaternion DesiredRotation;
protected virtual void Rotate()
if (path.Count > 1)
DesiredRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(path[1].pos() - curNode.pos());
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, DesiredRotation, Time.deltaTime * 4);
public bool StoppedMoving()
return path.Count <= 1;
float recalculateCooldown = 0;
public PathfindingMethod curMethod = PathfindingMethod.regularSetGoal;
//gets called every frame
protected void RecalculatePath()
if (!searchingPath)
//recalculate path if someone is infront of us
if (path.Count > 1)
if ((path[1].occupied != null) && curMethod != PathfindingMethod.recalculatingAfterMoving)
SetDestination(LastDestination, PathfindingMethod.recalculatingWhileMoving);
//or recalculate the path if we somehow ended up standing on someone else's node, no clue how to avoid having to do this
if (curNode.occupied != this && recalculateCooldown > 1)
recalculateCooldown = 0;
SetDestination(curNode, PathfindingMethod.recalculatingAfterMoving);
recalculateCooldown += Time.deltaTime;
//redo the path if it was initially too short
if (recalculating)
recalculateTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (recalculateTimer > 0.5f)
NodeElement t = LastDestination;
LastDestination = curNode;
recalculateTimer = 0;
recalculating = false;
public override void LateUpdate()
//draw the path in the editor
if (path.Count > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
Debug.DrawLine(path[i].pos(), path[i + 1].pos(),;
//check for path reculculation needs
// Rotate();
//if we're not currently remaking the path, we can use it
if (!searchingPath)
//if it's more than the current node, move to the next one
if (path.Count > 1)
Vector3 pos = path[1].pos();
transform.position = Vector3.Slerp(transform.position, pos, 0.04f * Speed);
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, pos) < 0.1f)
path[0].occupied = null;
path[0].occupied = this;
curNode = path[0];
// anim.SetFloat("Speed", 1);
public void SetDestination(Vector3 _pos, PathfindingMethod method = PathfindingMethod.regularSetGoal)
int x = Mathf.RoundToInt(_pos.x);
int y = Mathf.RoundToInt(_pos.z);
SetDestination(PathfindingMap.VecToNode(x, y), method);
Thread PathFinder;
public enum PathfindingMethod { regularSetGoal, recalculatingWhileMoving, recalculatingAfterMoving }
public void SetDestination(NodeElement goal, PathfindingMethod method = PathfindingMethod.regularSetGoal)
if (goal != null)
if (SquareGrid.InBounds(goal))
//if we're not doing the same pathfinding check as before, or if we're recalculating it
if ((goal != curNode && goal != LastDestination) || (method == PathfindingMethod.recalculatingWhileMoving || method == PathfindingMethod.recalculatingAfterMoving))
LastDestination = goal;
goal = SquareGrid.FindNearestReachable(this, goal, method);
searchingPath = true;
if (PathFinder != null)
PathFinder = new Thread(() => MultiThreadAStar(goal, method));
PathFinder.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest;
PathFinder.IsBackground = true;
static public double Heuristic(NodeElement a, NodeElement b)
float x = Mathf.Abs(a.x - b.x);
float y = Mathf.Abs(a.y - b.y);
//add 0.1f to make diagonal paths less likely
return x + y;
public NodeElement _start, _goal, closestPossible;
PriorityQueue frontier;
//which node came from which node
public Dictionary<NodeElement, NodeElement> camefrom = new Dictionary<NodeElement, NodeElement>();
//how much it cost to reach the given node starting from the current node
public Dictionary<NodeElement, double> costsofar = new Dictionary<NodeElement, double>();
//gets called as a new thread
public void MultiThreadAStar(NodeElement goal, PathfindingMethod method = PathfindingMethod.regularSetGoal)
curMethod = method;
//reference to the map
SquareGrid graph = PathfindingMap.grid();
//frontier/priority que
frontier = new PriorityQueue();
//add the current node as the start of the frontier
frontier.Enqueue(curNode, 0);
_start = curNode;
_goal = goal;
//first node came from itself, cost 0
camefrom[_start] = _start;
costsofar[_start] = 0;
closestPossible = _start;
//do this until the frontier becomes empty (or we reach the goal)
while (frontier.Count > 0)
//current node is the one closest to the goal
NodeElement current = frontier.Dequeue();
if (current.Equals(goal))
//regular A* neighbors, in other words everyone surrounding the current node
foreach (var next in SquareGrid.Neighbors(current, method))
//add it to the optimal paths if it isn't in the frontier, or it's cost is lower than the current one
double newCost = costsofar[current] + graph.Cost(current, next);
if (!costsofar.ContainsKey(next)
|| newCost < costsofar[next])
double h = Heuristic(next, goal);
double h2 = Heuristic(closestPossible, goal);
double priority = newCost + Heuristic(next, goal);
frontier.Enqueue(next, priority);
camefrom[next] = current;
costsofar[next] = newCost;
//save the closest node to the goal, in case we can't reach the goal
if (h2 > h)
closestPossible = next;
//reconstruct the path
NodeElement _next = _goal;
//end of the path is the closest node to the goal
if (!camefrom.ContainsKey(_next))
_next = closestPossible;
for (int i = 0; i < camefrom.Count; i++)
_next = camefrom[_next];
if (_next == _start)
//if the path is too short, the unit was probably surrounded and couldn't move, restart the path in a second or so
if (path.Count <= 2 && Vector3.Distance(curNode.pos(), LastDestination.pos()) > 2.5f)
recalculating = true;
recalculateTimer = 0;
searchingPath = false;
public bool recalculating = false;
public float recalculateTimer = 0;