Muse API? Someday?

What are we thinking re: access to Muse over API?
Will it stay a web-based knowledgebase chatbot for a while?

I’m know Unity can’t talk product timelines :sweat_smile: so I won’der if they’d be excited to see what the community comes up with, regarding rolling our own LLM->Editor harness, or if there are exciting things coming down the pipe and we should stay tuned.

I’m talking more like “create ten enemies and arrainge them in a circle around the player” → Whisper → Muse → Editor → Prefab instantion, not “here’s a script you can use to…” C# generation

This is a great idea… on the Last Online webinar I had mentioned it to the unity Team , They are looking forward for many applications this API can put forward to the developers so that they can get more clarity on what the community expects