Muse breaks its own documentation when using the GetComponent() in both typing the question and what it returns in any answers suggestions

I simply asked Muse to provide a script that moved a sprite in 8 directions, which it kind of did. However, I find it funny, that Unity knows and promotes with their own blog suggested coding guidleines and that muse never returns anything remotely close to this to begin with. It only does now, because I asked to to do that.

But the more important issue is the code it returned for my question

First of all you can not even enter code to suggest Muse that is like

using UnityEngine;


public class SpriteMover : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private float _moveSpeed = 5.0f;
private Rigidbody _rigidbody;
private void Start()
_rigidbody = GetComponent();

private void Update()

private void MoveSprite()
    float horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    float verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

    Vector3 movementDirection = new Vector3(horizontalInput, verticalInput, 0).normalized;
    _rigidbody.velocity = movementDirection * _moveSpeed;


GetComponent() as the Type part is always dropped, and I am wondering if what is returned by muse is also dropped or removed.

Hi! Thank you for reaching out, we are aware of the encoding issue, and is something we are actively working to resolve! Thank you for letting us know and we’ll keep you posted here on when we have released the fix! :smiley:

I also ran into the issue with the Type being absent from the script Muse gave me. I sent back that there were errors in the code and hit shift-enter to add another line before submitting, however it submitted the line I typed that simply said “There were errors in the code”. Muse then corrected the code without knowing what errors there were. (I will get back to this part)
I pasted the code I entered in Unity with the Type in the line, but what showed up in the chat was the line I copied without the Type either. The chat itself removed the type, although Muse knew that I had entered the type as seen in it’s response…

For the issue with Muse answering when I said “There were errors in the code” without having any information, I have found with Chat GPT that it can be prompted to ask questions. When OpenAI came out recently with a Custom Instruction section for Chat GPT, I was able to get ChatGPT to ask me if I want certain information before just spitting it out. I am certain with some training, AI can be taught to ask for information rather than assuming it has everything the user is going to give it. Here is a similar type of example from a recent discussion with ChatGPT: - I do have one where ChatGPT said if I were able to give it the CSS script it would be able to provide better help, but cannot find that in the history.

I would also like to add that the other thing that I made note of here as well, is that Unity through their blog and eBooks promote that there are Coding Guidelines. And that these should be what people use.

Yet, their own documentation, examples and Muse ignore these Coding Guidelines.

Guidelines that have been a part of C# for 20ish years.

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