Music Manager

i got this code, but there is an error, it says that
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
AudioManager.Start () (at Assets/AudioManager.cs:34)
how can i fix it??

here’s the code…

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public enum SoundEffects { ObstacleCollisionSoundEffect, CoinSoundEffect, PowerUpSoundEffect, GameOverSoundEffect, GUITapSoundEffect }
public class AudioManager : MonoBehaviour {
    static public AudioManager instance;
    public AudioClip backgroundMusic;
    public AudioClip obstacleCollision;
    public AudioClip coinCollection;
    public AudioClip powerUpCollection;
    public AudioClip gameOver;
    public AudioClip guiTap;
    public float backgroundMusicVolume;
    public float soundEffectsVolume;
    private AudioSource backgroundAudio;
    // use multiple sound effects audo sources so more than one sound effect can be played at the same time
    private AudioSource[] soundEffectsAudio;
    private int nextSoundEffectsAudioIndex = 0;
    public void Awake()
        instance = this;
    public void Start()
        AudioSource[] sources = Camera.main.GetComponents<AudioSource>();
        //backgroundAudio = sources[0];
        soundEffectsAudio = new AudioSource[2];
        soundEffectsAudio[0] = sources[1];
        soundEffectsAudio[1] = sources[2];
        backgroundAudio.clip = backgroundMusic;
        backgroundAudio.loop = true;
        backgroundAudio.volume = Mathf.Clamp01(backgroundMusicVolume);
        soundEffectsAudio[0].volume = Mathf.Clamp01(soundEffectsVolume);
        soundEffectsAudio[1].volume = Mathf.Clamp01(soundEffectsVolume);
    public void playBackgroundMusic(bool play)
        if (play) {
        } else {
    public void playSoundEffect(SoundEffects soundEffect)
        AudioClip clip = null;
        float pitch = 1;
        switch (soundEffect) {
        case SoundEffects.ObstacleCollisionSoundEffect:
            clip = obstacleCollision;
        case SoundEffects.CoinSoundEffect:
            clip = coinCollection;
            pitch = 1.5f;
        case SoundEffects.PowerUpSoundEffect:
            clip = powerUpCollection;
        case SoundEffects.GameOverSoundEffect:
            clip = gameOver;
        case SoundEffects.GUITapSoundEffect:
            clip = guiTap;
        soundEffectsAudio[nextSoundEffectsAudioIndex].pitch = pitch;
        soundEffectsAudio[nextSoundEffectsAudioIndex].clip = clip;
        nextSoundEffectsAudioIndex = (nextSoundEffectsAudioIndex + 1) % soundEffectsAudio.Length;

The Camera referenced by Camera.main does not have any AudioSource components on it.

so should i put the script on the camera??


According to the code you are using, the main camera needs a total of 3 AudioSource components attached to it.