Music Promotion

I wanna share here my music for free.
The Music I created is for beginner developer / small team, because I guess it’s a problem that it exsist no plattform with free songs, withhout getting in trouble.

The music in produce is free as long the game is free of money, in every kind of way (Ingame purcase, buying the game and other stuff like that)

If possible let me know what you think about the music I created :slight_smile:

My favorite is Bad Luck :sunglasses:

Here’s my personal composer/producer 2 cents:

  • I think your material is fun, and would fit the bill of “ambiance music” more than “songs”. I say that because each piece I’ve listened too seems to revisit the same theme in different nuances, rather than playing themes one against the other to create that sort of chorus-verse-interlude interplay
  • If you can make sample perfect loops out of these song it would be a greeeaat plus for anyone using them
  • For games, I think your percs are mixed too loud. Most games have “pointy” sounds and chimes and impacts already filling that space, so in the context of games I’d try to leave that space open as much as possible (especially in the context of ambiances)

Cheers! Great stuff!

Thank you for taking your time to listen to that.
I changed it to ambiance music, with the loops im not sure using soundcloud or dropbox.
And for the future i will take as a note making the chimes and impacts quiter.

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really cool sidechain compression on the string leads it sounded like. also i have tons of music im looking to pitch to developers, any recommendations appreciated

Keep up the great work, and I’m excited to hear more about your music!