(extreme noob question im sure)
i am creating a game in which i can create the elements of a song (different tracks) by shooting through trigger cubes.
at the moment all i can get is a mess off sounds that dont sync.
i was wondering if there is a way to play all the sounds at the same time but have them on mute, then to be able to unmute and mute a cubes sound source everytime it is triggered by a rigidbody. that way they would all be in time if i kept it at a steady tempo and time signeture.
any ideas?
This is tested and working. I have 2 Cubes on stage , both with an Audio Source, Audio Clip loaded in the Inspector, Play-on-awake is toggled OFF .
The main script (hopefully) shall start all the cubes playing together (in sync).
#pragma strict
var cube1 : Transform;
var cube2 : Transform;
private var cubeSelected : Transform;
function Awake () {
cube1.audio.mute = false;
cube2.audio.mute = false;
function Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
var rayHit : RaycastHit;
if(Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), rayHit))
cubeSelected = rayHit.transform;
// mute / unmute selected cube
if (cubeSelected.audio.mute) {
cubeSelected.audio.mute = false;
} else {
cubeSelected.audio.mute = true;
This would be good for an on-the-fly mixer. If you wanted to have only one cube playing , you would have to code that in so all are mute except the selected.