I know it says to do that in the instructions, but I’m afraid to do it, as my development phone at this point is my personal phone. I have tried to install the remote app and am getting stuck on an XCode error that says there was an error during verification. Everything else is in place and the build is successful, I just can’t get the app to install.
If the fact that I have not reset the phone is the problem, then my question is: Is it safe to do that? After reset will I be able to restore my phone to it’s normal functional condition, or am I going to screw up my phone in some way? I am tempted to buy an iPod Touch and use that, but I’d like to avoid spending the money just now.
I assume you are referring to the section (stage 5) in the iPhone Developer Program, as follows?
Which then goes on to say:
I too wondered if I would have to actually bother with step 1 to turn the iPhone to a developer state - I thought that this was a bit misleading, because for me I did not need to do Step 1 as I already had a public release of OS2.1 on my phone (like you probably do too?). I just connected my phone and Xcode asked if I want to use it for development.
(PS. You can not really tell the difference between the phone and the phone in it’s developmental state - everything is still functional and syncs OK via iTunes as before).
So, are you getting any compile errors from XCode at all? - I had the same error message you are getting, and I thought that the build was OK - turns out it wasn’t.
Check you definitely do not have any compile errors from the Xcode log, if you are absolutely sure you do not, then the problem could well be your AppID and Provisioning Profile set up…
Before you go nuts and restore your phone, check the console (in the XCode Organizer, select your phone, and hit the console tab) and read the more detailed info there about why the verification failed. On this forum it’s often related to the bundle ID (in the project’s Info.plist file). This bundle ID must match the app IDs in your provisioning profile, or your provisioning profile must have a wildcard app ID (to match any app you make).
If that’s not it, I would go through all of the steps again (create a wildcard app ID, create a provisioning profile with that wildcard app id and your device ID, download profile and add to device, clean the target and rebuild).
Thanks to both of you for your help. I finally got far enough to fix the problem (it was the bundle identifier) and get a copy of the Unity Remote app installed on my iPod Touch.
Now all it does is look for WiFi and I do not have WiFi. Have I misunderstood once again? I thought that Unity Remote could be operated while the device was plugged into the computer. Is this not correct? Obviously, WiFi would be more convenient than having it tethered to the machine, but then I’d have to buy that too.
Is there anyway to get Unity Remote to work without Wifi? If so, how do I make the change?
WiFi is the only option right now (Apple won’t allow data communication through USB or Bluetoth).
So if your MAC doesn’t have WiFi installed you’ll need to buy a WiFi card to use the remote.