Hey everyone! My muzzle flash and all of the lights in the scene keep on turning off and on even when I am not firing! Can anyone help? BTW This is my Ray Shooting script so far:
#pragma strict
var Range : float = 1000;
var Force : float = 1000;
var Clips : int = 20;
var BulletPerClip : int = 36;
var ReloadTime : float = 4.6;
var BulletsLeft : int = 0;
var ShootTimer : float = 0;
var ShootCooler : float = 0.09;
var Damage : int = 20;
var HitParticles : ParticleEmitter;
var muzzleFlash : ParticleEmitter;
var muzzleCooler : float = 0.9;
var muzzleFlashTimer : float = 0;
var MuzzleSpeed : int = 200000;
var light1 : GameObject;
var light2 : GameObject;
var light3 : GameObject;
public var ShootAudio : AudioClip;
public var ReloadAudio : AudioClip;
function Start () {
BulletsLeft = BulletPerClip;
muzzleFlash.emit = false;
HitParticles.emit = false;
function Update () {
if(muzzleFlashTimer > 0){
muzzleFlashTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if(muzzleFlashTimer < 0){
muzzleFlashTimer = 0;
if(Input.GetMouseButton(0) && BulletsLeft){
if(ShootTimer == 0){
ShootTimer = ShootCooler;
if(muzzleFlashTimer == 0){
muzzleFlashTimer = muzzleCooler;
if(ShootTimer > 0){
ShootTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if(ShootTimer < 0){
ShootTimer = 0;
function MuzzleFlashShow (){
if(muzzleFlashTimer > 0){
muzzleFlash.emit = false;
light1.active = false;
light2.active = false;
light3.active = false;
if(muzzleFlashTimer == muzzleCooler){
muzzleFlash.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.value * 360 * MuzzleSpeed , Vector3.forward);
muzzleFlash.emit = true;
light1.active = true;
light2.active = true;
light3.active = true;
function RayShoot () {
var Hit : RaycastHit;
var DirectionRay = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position , DirectionRay * Range , Color.red);
if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position , DirectionRay , Hit, Range)) {
if(Hit.rigidbody) {
HitParticles.transform.position = Hit.point;
HitParticles.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Hit.normal);
Hit.rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition( DirectionRay * Force , Hit.point);
Hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("ApplyDamage" , Damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
BulletsLeft --;
if(BulletsLeft < 0){
BulletsLeft = 0;
if(BulletsLeft == 0){
function Reload (){
yield WaitForSeconds(ReloadTime);
if(Clips > 0){
BulletsLeft = BulletPerClip;
function PlayShootAudio () {
function PlayReloadAudio () {