My 1st Unity 3D project - Your guidance will be appreciated!

Hi there!

Excited to try my hands on Unity3D. I don’t know javascript or c# either. So it would be a point and click adventure for me!

I would really appreciate any pointers to get this done:

Create a 3D visualization window. Need to map a data graph like this one:

I found this tutorial, but it doesn’t link to anything I could download, it seems to be something that closely resembles what I’m trying to acheive

Ultimately it needs to work with a RIFT!

Please help!

I’ll be happy to return the favor with some free music/sound design for your project if needed! heres my record label -


Depends what the data you have in the data graph. Does it each data point have a vector associated with it already?


Thanks a lot for your response!

Data point should have x,y,z mapped to it ofcourse from a database file…maybe csv or even a sql file would be great.

after clicking the data point, we should be able to display a pop-up or screen which pulls out more info about the point.

any idea if there are any assets i could download which could give me this functionality?


It you have the data and the data have x,y,z coordinates then you just need to loop through them and position them in the scene. You can probably search he asset store for a SQL data access script.

Hi again!

Thanks for your inputs on this.

Could you suggest any scripts from asset store for accessing SQL or CSV data. Once that data is accessible, it’s values depending on text should work to decide the shape and position.

I see some graphing tools and SQL/CSV tools, but I’m unable to figure out a graph creation of 3d point plotting script, that can read a csv and automatically show a point on screen.

Food habits of a family are being studied. Depending on which family members ate which fruits, we can deduce how much energy they have at their disposal. So family member is the object on screen.

X-axis Oranges = 1, Apples = 2
Y-axis Oranges alone = 0, Oranges + apples = 2
Z-axis Status spoilt = 0, Fresh = 1

More identification can be added to the point - Shape to show whether its man, woman, infant. Color = age

Also we need to draw lines and show all members that like the same fruit as connected. When the line is clicked, we get data about the common factors of both the points.

Now this is sort of how far i can think right now!

Needed a simple starting point to create this.

Okay so its not too difficult but SQL with unity seems to need work around, I haven’t used SQL with unity so all i can point too is these:

Hopefully you can interpret them into something useful:

so what next?

  • Have a class of Family member which contains a vector position, a shape (link to mesh) and a render color

  • Figure out how to load the SQL table into a like List

  • loop through this list and create new game objects for each : GameObject TempName = newGameObject(); and apply the data such as the position, gender and age

  • After this is done they should display in the unity scene at runtime

Thanks again J!

I don’t understand loops and the JS you mentioned. I will try my hand with Unity for sometime and see if I can then understand what you meant.

If you think that SQL is too big a challenge to begin, I wouldn’t mind using the data from CSV file. Do think it would be easier?

Also the ultimate goal would be to connect to Twitter and/or Instagram API to collect the data! Any thoughts on this?

I would use C# over js:
Learn how to use for loops.

Learn lists

Learn classes

Look into the SQL mono libary