My AI drops stuffs on death even when not supposed to

How to I make that my AI will drop only if the boolean is true?
I got my code here and I’m still learning booleans and arrays.

#pragma strict
var thisObject : Transform;
var Health = 100;
var tombstone : GameObject;
var WillDrop : boolean = false;
var ObjectToDrop : GameObject[]; //[] means that you can use more than one objects

function Start()
WillDrop = Random.value < 0.10; //Dropchance of 10%

function ApplyDammage (TheDammage : int)
	Health -= TheDammage;
	if(Health <= 0)

function Dead()
 if(WillDrop == true);
    var obj : GameObject = ObjectToDrop[Random.Range(0, ObjectToDrop.length)]; //Randomize a prefab to drop between Medkit, ammobox and AllInOne kit
    var pos: Transform = thisObject;
    Instantiate(obj, pos.position, pos.rotation); //Spawn prefabs
     Instantiate (tombstone, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);  //Spawn tombstone (Baloons) 
        Destroy (gameObject);
      if (WillDrop == false);
         Instantiate (tombstone, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);  //Spawn tombstone (Baloons) 
        Destroy (gameObject);

if(WillDrop == true) {
var obj : GameObject = ObjectToDrop[Random.Range(0, ObjectToDrop.length)]; //Randomize a prefab to drop between Medkit, ammobox and AllInOne kit
var pos: Transform = thisObject;
Instantiate(obj, pos.position, pos.rotation); //Spawn prefabs
Instantiate (tombstone, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); //Spawn tombstone (Baloons)
Destroy (gameObject);

    if (WillDrop == false) {
        Instantiate(tombstone,gameObject.transform.position,       Quaternion.identity);  //Spawn tombstone (Baloons) 
        Destroy (gameObject);

its not the boolean that is the problem. Its your if statement. If statements are much like methods. You need the curly brace at the end of them. Not a semi-colon.