Hey i have a song in a game that i want looped. Hopefully it is as simple as ticking the loop boolean in the inspector but nope. Before i used to get the song from an array of AudioClips() and calling PlayOneShot() from the AudioSource. In hope of trying to fix this bug i even assigned the AudioClip into the AudioSource by code but even then it doesnt work.
Then i tried seeing if the script stopped working correctly during runtime because when u die in the game the gamestate is reloaded and that way maybe the boolean gets forgotten? I dont know. But well, i tried just doing nothing and letting the audioclip run through runtime till the end, and it still wont loop.
I have alot of Audio playing besides the song, like sound effects and background noise. All these are played through PlayOneShot() aswell but through different methods and different AudioSources.
I dont know what to do. I need a miracle since this seems just strange. Something so simple just became so difficult. Help!