I have attached a camera to a target location and it is set to look at the player and follow but when I specifically rotate the character to look around the camera jitters and makes it appear as thought the character is shuttering back and force even though his positional values stay the shame. When ever I rotate my character, the camera shakes, but it is fine when I move forward, back, left or right. Just rotation is hurt.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Cameras : MonoBehaviour {
//LateUpdate runs after an update
public Transform player = null;
public Transform target = null;
void LateUpdate () {
// LookAt(Object.postion) forces the camera to look at that objecct in the scene
this.transform.LookAt (player.position);
//to make the camera follow a target then create a transform variable for it and set the camera position to it
this.transform.position = target.position;