My character can't jump while already moving

If I’m moving left or right, I can’t jump until the left/right keys are released. Once in the air I can move, however. Any help?
Here’s my code

var moveLeft: KeyCode;
var moveRight: KeyCode;
var jump: KeyCode;
var moveSpeed: float;
var jumpSpeed: float;

private var isFalling = false;

function Start () {


function Update () {

	if (Input.GetKey(moveLeft)) {
		rigidbody2D.velocity.x = moveSpeed *-1;
	else if (Input.GetKey(moveRight)) {
		rigidbody2D.velocity.x = moveSpeed;
	else if (Input.GetKey(jump) && isFalling == false) {
	rigidbody2D.velocity.y = jumpSpeed;
	isFalling = true;
	else {
		rigidbody2D.velocity.x = 0;


function OnCollisionEnter2D() {

	isFalling = false;


Your line 8 says “if the other keys haven’t been pressed”… So, if they are pressed, your jump code is skipped.

Your problem is that your if (jump) code is in an else block. Look at it, then read it as English:

If I’m pressing left, move left.
Otherwise, if I’m pressing right, move right.
Otherwise, if I’m pressing jump, jump.

See how the last condition requires the previous two to be false?

Try instead putting them in two different blocks:

if (left)
else if (right)
  //velocity.x = 0;

if (jump)