My destroy code isnt working for some unknown reason

I don’t know what I did different, because i’ve used this exact code before, but my object destroy code doesn’t seem to be working?
the code is

private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
    if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Circle"))

pretty simple. I dont know what I’m doing wrong

Did you check the first/obvious things:

  • your code is part of a MonoBehaviour class, right? Is this MonoBehaviour attached to a GameObject?
  • Does this GameObject have a Collider2D and a Rigidbody2D attached? Is it setup to actually trigger?
  • Can the GameObject with the Collider actually collide with the other GameObject, did you check the physics collision matrix?
  • Does the other collider gameobject actually have the tag “Circle”?

Also sidenote: you dont need to write other.gameObject.CompareTag, other.CompareTag is sufficient enough :slight_smile:

Hi there!
I’m not exactly sure what i did, but I got it to work. I made a script specifically for this code and that seemed to fix it

Probably had to do with the placement of the code in your script.