My double quotes are coming up as ¨ in UnityScript?

Hi all,

In UnityScript, my double quotes (“) are coming up as (¨). I have to double tap shift+” for anything to come up and it comes up as ¨.

I still have to double tap it, but it comes up as " in Unity and everything else.
I have looked at the key bindings in UnityScript and nothing.

I am using the keyboard that came with my HP Touchsmart PC and am on UnityScript (Mono Develop) ver 2.4.2

Any ideas why & how to fix it?

Sorry for taking so long to respond rsodre (and completely missing your response chadings) - having account issues so had to make a new one to reply.

My initial answer was no, but Graham’s response put me on the correct path. I couldn’t find a specific way to change “smart quotes” on a system wide/keyboard driver level, but did find the cause during that search.

I had to change all of my Language/Keyboard settings to English(US) which doesn’t use the umlaut, etc.

Snippet of my solution:
“Go to Start / Control Panel / Regional and Language Options / and check every setting in all four of the tabs to make sure it is all English (United States). Pay special attention to the Keyboard Tab…”

Found here

Thanks again Graham as you got me there :slight_smile: