My Editor Perspective is Stuck!!!

Hi, my editor perspective (as suggested by the title) is stuck. I am looking at everything from really far away, and when i try and zoom in, everything just vanishes! Please help, it only happens with this project.

There are two possible issues: First, the editor camera has a focus point. It can be changed by selecting an object and pressing “F” or by selecting nothing and pressing “F” to recenter the camera. You can also use the home button of the view cube in the top right or any other view to refocus the camera. Next, if objects are disappearing they might be incredibly small or too big. Create a default cube primitive, which is 1 unit big to get a sense of scale. You can then adjust the size of your objects to about the real world equivalent. The camera has a near and far clipping plane, which limits the view to objects within this range. The default editor camera should have a setting that works well for almost any case, so it’s most likely the scale of your objects. There’s no easy way to adjust those camera settings any way. For the play mode camera, you can adjust it as needed.

The same thing occurred to me a while ago. I’m assuming this is in 3D? In the top right corner of the screen you should see a cube with colored cones coming out of it. Try clicking the cube. That worked for me.


click an object and press F to Focus
in another word Frame it.
Your camera’s focus problem will be solved