My first Virtual Reality app.

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I launched my first VR app on the Google Play Store.
It is a zombie shooter game, which can be played solo or online with your friends!

Here is a link:

Please give me some feedback so I can improve my first VR app.
I hope you like it!
Currently I’m busy with another VR project which is a MMOFPS.

Thanks in advance.

Regards Jimmy van Dongen, Negnod.

I played it a couple of times today, actually got up to level 13 before I had to turn it off, started to get dizzy from looking around so much. Didn’t like the weapon switch very much. In the heat of a battle and trying run away I had to stop for a second so the menu would pop up and then switch, frustrating if I accidentally moved the joystick and it would pick something I didn’t want, I would have preferred some sort of button that simply switches to the next weapon. The aim feature was pretty good but it didn’t seem like it was more accurate when I used it so I didn’t. Other than that for being your first app I was impressed. Only thing I would have like different is the zombies would just appear randomly in the level. So I’m looking around frantically because they would just spawn right behind me and I started getting sick turning so much. I think I could have played longer if it wasn’t the case. Nice job, can’t wait for your next game.

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Thank you very much for your reply. I’m glad you’re impressed. I will use your feedback in my new project which is also a FPS shooter game, but this time the players fight against each other in a (team)deathmatch. If it’s done, I’ll let you know and I hope you would like to give me some feedback again.