My Fps Sample Clone :)

Hi everyone!

This is my first Unity project, I spent 1.5 months to do the environment and modified a little bit on game play.
It runs well on Windows 10 but I’m not sure whether it works on other OS.

My wish list:

  • Collisions have effect with the third camera,
  • Players can take cover and throw grenade,
  • Setup to play world wide.

Thank you developers for your awesome project, it helps me a lot for learning Unity :slight_smile:

My build (320 Mb): UnityFPS - Google Drive


Great work man! This looks like a good first example on how the FPS Sample could start to be modded :slight_smile:

It (the video) goes well to show some of the common issues I am sure we are all seeing.

Keep up the good work! And uh, CONGRATS! You are the first FPS Sample project I’ve seen posted! That IS something to be proud of!


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Good job and great to see people working on this great asset from Unity.
That’s is an insane amount of map you have build so far :slight_smile:

I recorded some footage yesterday of my game and will also make a similar post as soon as I have done the editing.


Thank you guys for your nice words! My project is mainly for Unity learning.
Hope to see other projects in near future :slight_smile:

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Awesome, looks good. We have a class working on creating some maps in FPS Sample. I’ve been experimenting with changing some core systems, but haven’t had much success so far. Glad to see other people making stuff like this though! =)


Abridged version :slight_smile:


Awesome work man, I see you integrated the third person controller and AI from the asset store, into the FPS Sample?

Does the AI, and everything shown here, register multiplayer?

Or did you make this a single player game now?

Keep up the good work!


Duuuuude! This is awesome!

I hope you are willing to talk more about your production!

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Wow, impressive. Hope you explain how you did some of that stuff as so many of us are struggling with just the basics.

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Very cool update @thongtm3d :slight_smile:

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Thanks guys!

Yes, Micah’s correct, this is a single player version I made to test the Third Person Cover Shooter package’s functions.
Basically I imported the package into my map, copied some functions from the FPS Sample like timing, point capture… and sent it to my friends for fun. Now they’re asking me to do more maps but I’m so busy :slight_smile:

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How do you rig characters.Fon instance the battery one. How did you rig them I am have a lot of trouble

H.w did you change the titel of the Game in the Intro I have big Problems with this.

If I recall it is just a UI element. Or it is based on some other file passing into the UI. Try searching the project for the specific text.

Also, if you’re new to Unity and/or C# then you shouldn’t be touching FPS Sample. It is a mess and uses a ton of super complex high end hybrid tech.