Hello. I started a Unity 3d Game (Version 2022.3.16f1) and i was almost finished with my Game. (It’s a VR Game)
But for some reason when I opened my Game today I saw that my whole Game got VERY weird. I don’t know if it got hacked or if this is just a glitch but I really need help I have no Idea what I should do
I am very Sad and Lost now
Is this stretched out thing an animated character? If so, you may have an animation that doesn’t match the rig.
If it’s a ragdoll or any physics object with joints, it may have experienced excess forces and thus got pulled apart.
Hello there,
sadly it doesn’t have to do anything with a animation because every single item in the Game is glitchy and not in the right place. Even some Gameobjects got bigger and smaller. But the weird thingabout this is that i have two Scenes in this Game but only one of the scenes got like that.
I even get these 3 Errors 999+ Times:

I hope you can figure out the problem.
But thanks for the help
I had something similar when i changed some scaling on a child/parent of objects funkyness ensued