Hey there i have a small problem my game hangs a lot when i run it in an android phone, im using a galaxy s7 edge.
Hello buddy,
I’m sorry to say, but you might have done something, terrably, terrably wrong in you project.
I’m gonna give some tips!!
Just look at the Stats Tab open… Batches: 4468 / SetPassCall: 4231
A normal value would be ~300 for batches, that might be because of the MiniMap, if it’s using a second camera… Apply Culling Mask to the map camera, so it only renders the ground and the houses for exemple…
Set then to Static, what I mean by that… Any GameObject that does not move, rotate or scale, you can set then to Static, it’s in the top-right side of the inspector. This will try to optimize the way the objects are rendered
Last but not least… You can find many tutorials about optimization, Unity has one in the manual… Just apply what the tutorials say and you will see your game running free, with no performance issue.
Hope it works