My game started to run poorly on the Android Emulator Bluestacks, And I need to know why this is happening (My game must work on Android Emulators)

I’m working on a game that Must work well on Android emulators! It was working poorly on Old Android/IOS devices and we increased the performance a lot for those in the latest update, but the performance dropped considerably on Emulators, and we don’t know why and how this happened, can any of you give some advice on what could be the problem here?

PS: We couldn’t make the Profiler work with Bluestacks, making it even harder to pinpoint what is happening, so if any of you know how to make the Unity Profiler Work with Android Emulators, this would be awesome as well!!

Just in case, as per Unity - Manual: System requirements for Unity 6, Unity officially doesn’t support emulators

Hardware must be running Android OS natively. Android within a container or emulator isn’t supported.
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Yeah, I know it’s not totally supported, but the game working in an emulator is a must!

Have you tried using Android Studio to profile the game running in the emulator?