When I publish my games to ubantu12.04 x86,However,It crash everytime,I can run this game in ubantu16,Is there any limit of unity for Linux?
You should give us more details about the tools you used, your settings, Unity version, the way you launch the game, etc.
I don’t know if you get additional output when running a unity build from the command line, but I suggest you to have a look at the logs as described in the Manual/LogFiles documentation (Player section).
On linux, you should be able to read the logs here:
This log file may contain detailed informations concerning your crash.
I personally don’t know if there are any limitations with Unity builds for different Linux distributions, but according to your question description, I see it works for you on Ubuntu 16.04, but you didn’t mention if it was x64 or x86. Since you mentioned it fails on Ubuntu 12.04 x86, I suspect you did not create a “Universal” build.
When you’re about to build your game, in the “Build settings” window, try to build your game with “Architecture” set to “Universal” and see if it works.
And what’s ubantu?