I’m working on a script to generate platforms infinitely. I got it started but ran into an issue when I checked for the instantiated platform’s position.
First off, here is the code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
public class Generation : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] GameObject[] GroundLevels;
[SerializeField] GameObject startPlatform;
[SerializeField] GameObject lastInstantiatedPlatform;
public float generationSpeed;
private List<GameObject> instantiatedLevels;
void Start()
instantiatedLevels = new List<GameObject>();
//Create the starting platform (The first platform that will be instantaited
lastInstantiatedPlatform = Instantiate(startPlatform, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
void Update()
foreach (GameObject level in instantiatedLevels)
level.transform.Translate(Vector3.back * generationSpeed);
if (lastInstantiatedPlatform.transform.position.z == -5)
GameObject CreateNewPlatform()
GameObject nextPlatform = Instantiate(GroundLevels[Random.Range(0, GroundLevels.Length)], transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
return nextPlatform;
I wanted to spawn the platforms when the lastInstantiatedPlatform.transform.position.z was equal to its negative scale in the z-axis. However, when this didn’t work, I just changed it to print “next!” when its position.z equaled -5.
When this didn’t work, I inserted the print(lastInstantiatedPlatform.transform.position.z);
to make sure that I was actually getting the z position. And I was! -5 was printed, and “next!” was not printed.