I’m importing an .fbx file into my scene and it has not materials applied to it. I found a tutorial that showed me the “extract materials” button in my model’s material setting which seemed like it would fix my greyed out materials issue, however upon extracting the materials my entire model was still grayed out to my surprise. The materials that aren’t greyed out are just single colors however the other ones are more complicated. The picture included is of the model after I clicked the extract materials button. (I couldn’t add another picture but in my model’s materials tab it has all of the materials assigned to the “On Demand Remap” its just that all the materials lost the color/design they had in blender??
Grayed out materials are generally still on the original asset, which is why they cannot be changed. Generally slots ON the asset cannot be changed.
Easiest is to drag it into your project, then drag it out to make a prefab, then you can change anything you like about the prefab.
This is the standard Unity asset workflow.
Are you talking about the model being colored grey instead of colored/textured? In general, when importing a model that was exported from a 3D modeling software, you cannot assume that the materials will be preserved and imported correctly. I’m most familiar with Blender, and Unity can only automatically use Base Color/Albedo and Normal Maps from a Material that was exported from Blender, as far as I’m aware (probably due to Blender and Unity handling Metalness and Roughness/Smoothness differently). Usually you have to set up the materials manually in Unity after importing the model. If they are not automatically detected when importing, there might be issues with the texture file names or paths, and you have to manually assign them in Unity. You cannot edit the materials directly in the asset, but you already did the correct thing by extracting the materials. Now when you assign the textures they will show up on the model in the scene.