My inventory scripts

I started following this tutorial on youtube and I got to a point where their is just one error from stopping me. Then I researched it a lot of people had this problem but so I found a completed version of the script that was released online I tested it out and I still get the single error.

//my error
Assets/my menu/FOLLOW ME/MYGUI/MyGui.cs(13,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `Item’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class myGUI : MonoBehaviour {
        public float lootWindowHeight = 90;
        public float buttonWidth = 40;
        public float buttonHeight = 40;
        public float closeButtonWidth = 20;
        public float closeButtonHight = 20;
        private List<Item> _lootItems;
        private bool _displayLootWidnows = false;
        private float _offset = 10;
        private const int LOOT_WINDOWS_ID = 0;
        private Rect _lootWindowsRect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
        private Vector2 _lootWindowSlider =;
        private GameObject chest;
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start () {
                _lootItems = new List<Item>();
        public void OnEnable() {
                Messenger<int, GameObject>.AddListener("PopulateChest", PopulateChest);
        public void OnDisable() {
                Messenger<int, GameObject>.RemoveListener("PopulateChest", PopulateChest);
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update () {
        void OnGUI() {
                _lootWindowsRect = GUI.Window(LOOT_WINDOWS_ID, new Rect(_offset, Screen.height - (_offset + lootWindowHeight), Screen.width - (_offset * 2), lootWindowHeight), LootWindow, "Loot Window");    
        private void LootWindow(int id) {
                if(GUI.Button(new Rect(_lootWindowsRect.width - 20, 0, closeButtonWidth, closeButtonHight), "x")) {
                _lootWindowSlider = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(_offset * .5f, 15, _lootWindowsRect.width - 10, 70), _lootWindowSlider, new Rect(0, 0, (_lootItems.Count * buttonWidth) + _offset, buttonHeight * _offset));
                for(int cnt = 0; cnt < _lootItems.Count; cnt++) {
                        GUI.Button(new Rect(5 + (buttonWidth * cnt), 8, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), cnt.ToString());
        private void PopulateChest(int x, GameObject go) {
                chest = go;
                for(int cnt = 0; cnt < x; cnt++) {
                        _lootItems.Add(new Item());
                        _displayLootWidnows = true;
        private void ClearWindow() {
                chest = null;
                _displayLootWidnows = false;           

The error is telling you that you don’t have a class called Item anywhere. Your inventory is, essentially, made up of a list of Items, but you haven’t defined what an Item is! (Or at least it hasn’t been defined in this script). :slight_smile: Check and see if there was anything more to the tutorial; you need to have an Item class for this script to work.