My land rotates when I rotate

Please help me,i just learned how to add a first person controller and when I press the play button and start playing,every time i rotate my land rotates with me.

Could be for a number of reasons with little info provided.

  • Your “land” could be a child of your character controller
  • Your “land” could have the same (or similar) scripts as your rotation so the same logic applies to it

Its also possible the “land” itself is never actually moving, and the camera’s settings make it appear as if it is

When you move, does the “land” also move with you? In Scene, do you actually visually see the “land” rotate as your character does?

If you look in the Inspector for the “land”, as you rotate, do the Transform numbers also change?

What does your hierarchy look like? This will also help determine why its rotating, most likely, they are linked the same.

Alternatively, if you havnt modified your “land” in any special way, you can try adding in a second “land”, deleting your first one and use that instead as a “fresh start”.