My Light keeps flikering on and off too quickly

Ok so what im trying to do is get a light to turn on and off every2 seconds. It turns off the first time just fine then it starts to rapidly flicker on and off. I dont know what I did wrong here. This script is attached to a point light.

   public class StrobeLight : MonoBehaviour {
	bool lightOn;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
	IEnumerator  turnLightOn()
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
			this.light.enabled = false;
			lightOn = false;
			this.light.enabled = true;
			lightOn = true;

Thanks for any help with this.

put a yield new WaitForSeconds(2) commands after the line 28

Update is being called each frame. You are stacking these yields up 30-n times based off frame rate, this isn’t a single call. You need to put a condition on the coroutine(or don’t use it at all) that observes the amount of time past, if it is say greater then 2 seconds, have it do the flicker and in that case you will not need a coroutine at all.

public class StrobeLight : MonoBehaviour 
    public float flickerDelay = 2.0f;
	bool lightOn;
    private float flickerTimePassed = 0.0f;
	// Update is called once per frame
    void Update () 
		if (flickerTimePassed >= flickerDelay)
			flickerTimePassed = 0.0f; // reset the time since last on off.
			flickerTimePassed += Time.deltaTime;
    void turnLightOnOff()
			this.light.enabled = false;
			lightOn = false;
		} else {
			this.light.enabled = true;
			lightOn = true;

Starting a new coroutine each frame, means that you are having a bunch of coroutines statcking up. By the time you reach 2 seconds you will have somewhere around 30 to 60 going. Here is a bit of code to do what I think you want to do…just a single coroutine. Change the wait time to make it flicker faster.

public class StrobeLight : MonoBehaviour {

bool lightOn;

void Start () {
    lightOn = this.light.enabled;

IEnumerator  turnLightOn()
   while(true) {
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
     lightOn = !lightOn;
     this.light.enabled = lightOn;
