I have a private List of GameObjects that gets Added to when my space scene is initialised. There is nothing in my code removing or reducing the size of this list, but Debug.Logs of its .Count tell me it reverts to 0 Count after a frame. It’s rather lengthy, but since people often ask to see code, here’s my StarSystemDetails class: (The Update function is the one that Logs the Count and it is at the end of the class)…
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class StarSystemDetails : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject sun; // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< prefab passed in from Unity Editor
public int _numberOfPlanets;
public int _planetCounter = 0;
private int _numberOfPopulations = 0;
private List<SystemBodyDetails> _systemBodies = new List<SystemBodyDetails>();
private List<GameObject> _systemGameObjects = new List<GameObject>();
private Vector3 _coordinates;
public GameObject planet;
private List<Texture> _textures;
private float _satelliteSpacing;
private bool _habitableBodyGenerated=false;
private SystemBodyDetails _nextHabitable;
private float _suitability=0;
private bool _fullyPopulated = false;
private float _civilianSettlers;
private float _militarySettlers;
private GameObject _nearestGravityWell;
// class constructor
public StarSystemDetails() {
public Vector3 coordinates {
get {
return _coordinates;
public bool fullyPopulated {
get {
return _fullyPopulated;
public void Init(string p_name, List<Texture> p_textures) {
_coordinates = new Vector3( ((RandomSeed.getInstance().unit*1000000)-500000), ((RandomSeed.getInstance().unit*500000)-250000), ((RandomSeed.getInstance().unit*1000000)-500000) );
float _orbitDistance = 0;
SystemBodyDetails _sunDetails = new SystemBodyDetails(this, null, 0); // SystemBodyDetails should know that 0 orbital distance makes this new object the sun
float nonCeilNumberOfPlanets = (float)( (RandomSeed.getInstance().unit + 0.5) * 2 ) + Mathf.Sqrt( ( _systemBodies[0].radius + 500000 ) / 120000 );
_numberOfPlanets = (int)(Mathf.Ceil( nonCeilNumberOfPlanets ) + 3f);
Debug.Log("StarSystemDetails.Init _numberOfPlanets = "+_numberOfPlanets);
for (int k = 0; k < 15000; k++) {
if ( _orbitDistance == 0 && ( _systemBodies[0].heat/Mathf.Sqrt( k*1000000 ) ) < 1000 ) {
_orbitDistance = k * 1000000;
if (_orbitDistance==0) {
//trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heat never matched >>>>>>>>>>>>>");
_orbitDistance = ((_systemBodies[0].radius+1000000)*5)*(2+(RandomSeed.getInstance().unitAverage * 4));
Debug.Log("StarSystemDetails.Init planet = "+planet);
name = p_name;
_textures = p_textures;
// add planets
for (int x = 0; x < _numberOfPlanets; x++) {
_planetCounter ++;
SystemBodyDetails _systemBodyDetails = new SystemBodyDetails(this, _systemBodies[0], _orbitDistance);
_orbitDistance += 200000000;
_systemBodies[x].planetInitialName = p_name; // this setter function messes with the passed system p_name
// add planets' moons
for (int x = 1; x <= _numberOfPlanets; x++) {
_satelliteSpacing = 40000 + (_systemBodies[x].radius * 4 * RandomSeed.getInstance().unit) + (_systemBodies[x].radius);
_planetCounter = 0;
for (int y = 0; y<_systemBodies[x].numberOfSatellites; y++) {
_planetCounter += 1;
SystemBodyDetails _systemBodyDetails = new SystemBodyDetails(this, _systemBodies[y], -1);
_systemBodies[x].satelliteInitialName = p_name; // this setter function also messes with the passed system p_name
public void instantiateSystemGameObjects() {
// first, add sun...
GameObject newSun = Instantiate(sun) as GameObject;
newSun.GetComponent<SystemBody>().Init(_systemBodies[0], null);
// then, add planets and moons...
for (int x = 1; x < _systemBodies.Count; x++) {
GameObject newPlanet = Instantiate(planet) as GameObject;
Debug.Log("new planet = "+newPlanet);
// pass correct SystemBodyDetails into newPlanet...
newPlanet.GetComponent<SystemBody>().Init(_systemBodies[x], _textures);
_nearestGravityWell = _systemGameObjects[1];
public SystemBodyDetails mostHabitableBody {
get {
SystemBodyDetails mostHabitable;
float highestHabitability = 0.2f;
int mostHabitableIndex = 0;
for (int x = 1; x < _systemBodies.Count; x++) {
if (_systemBodies[x].habitability>highestHabitability && _systemBodies[x].population==null) {
Debug.Log(_systemBodies[x].name+"'s habitability = "+_systemBodies[x].habitability);
highestHabitability = _systemBodies[x].habitability;
mostHabitableIndex = x;
if (mostHabitableIndex==0) {
_fullyPopulated = true;
return null;
mostHabitable = _systemBodies[mostHabitableIndex];
return mostHabitable;
public SystemBodyDetails mostMilitaryBody(float p_suitabilityThreshold=0.06f) {
_suitability = p_suitabilityThreshold;
_nextHabitable = null;
for (int i=1;i<_systemBodies.Count;i++) {
if ( _systemBodies<em>.profitability<0.06 && _systemBodies<em>.habitability>_suitability && _systemBodies<em>.populationNumber==0 && _systemBodies*.habitable) {*</em></em></em>
* }*
* }*
* return nextHabitable;*
* }*_
* public SystemBodyDetails mostMinableBody(float p_suitabilityThreshold=0.06f) {
suitability = 0;
nextHabitable = null;
for (int i=1;i<systemBodies.Count;i++) {
if ( _systemBodies.profitability<0.06 && _systemBodies.profitability>p_suitabilityThreshold && _systemBodies.rawResources>_suitability && _systemBodies.populationNumber==0 && _systemBodies.habitable) {
* }*
* }_
return nextHabitable;*
* }*_
* public void newStarSystemSought(SystemBodyDetails p_sourceBody, float p_currentDate) {
p_sourceBody.population.parent.newStarSystemSought(p_sourceBody, p_currentDate); // this is slightly convoluted but I don’t currently care…
_ }*_
* public void newSystemBodySought(SystemBodyDetails p_sourceBody, float p_currentDate) {
_ SystemBodyDetails tempBody=null;
Settlers newSettlers;_
if (p_sourceBody.settlementType==“Colony”) {
_ tempBody = mostHabitableBody;_
civilianSettlers = 10000;
militarySettlers = 5000;
} else if (p_sourceBody.settlementType==“MilitaryBase”) {*
* tempBody = mostMilitaryBody(0.01f);*
* civilianSettlers = 0;
militarySettlers = 1000;
} else if (p_sourceBody.settlementType==“Mine”) {*
* tempBody = mostMinableBody(0.02f);*
* civilianSettlers = 1500;
militarySettlers = 100;*
* }*
* if (tempBody!=null) {*
* newSettlers = p_sourceBody.getSettlers(civilianSettlers, militarySettlers);
p_sourceBody.population.parent.settlePopulation(tempBody, newSettlers, p_currentDate, p_sourceBody.settlementType);
p_sourceBody.addHistoricEvent(p_currentDate, ": Settled "+tempBody.localName);*
* }*
* }*
* public int numberOfPopulations {*
* get {*
* return numberOfPopulations;*
* }
set {_
numberOfPopulations = value;*
* }
* public GameObject nearestGravityWell {*
* get {*
* return nearestGravityWell;*
* }
* public bool populated {*
* get {*
* return numberOfPopulations>0;*
* }
* public List systemBodyDetails*
* {*
* get {*
* return systemBodies;*
* }
* public List systemGameObjects*
* {*
* get {*
* return systemGameObjects;*
* }
* public int planetCounter*
* {*
* get {*
* return planetCounter;*
* }
* public float satelliteSpacing {*
* get {*
* return satelliteSpacing;*
* }
* public void Update() {*
/systemGameObjects.Sort( delegate(GameObject c1, GameObject c2){
return c1.transform.position.sqrMagnitude.CompareTo(c2.transform.position.sqrMagnitude);
} );/_
* Debug.Log("StarSystemDetail.Update _systemGameObjects.Count = "+_systemGameObjects.Count);
_nearestGravityWell = _systemGameObjects[1];*
Debug.Log("StarSystemDetails.Update _nearestGravityWell = "+_nearestGravityWell);
/if (_nearestGravityWell==null) {
Debug.Log("nearestGravityWell set to null - why?");*
* Application.Quit();
* }
Like I said, I see nowhere where this List is reduced to 0. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? I’ve wasted most of today trying to isolate it. (I have commented out sections of code just to isolate where the problem is happening).