My main menu volume slider stops working when going to the next scene then returning

Hi all, I hope you can help. In my game I really want to have a working volume slider. I can change the volume with the slider and it works great and continues to work while in the next scene, however, when I return to the main menu(That holds the volume slider) I move the slider, but it doesn’t change the sound anymore. I would like to be able to leave the main menu and then return while being able to change the slider.

The code is as follows:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class VolumeSlider : MonoBehaviour

    // Reference to Audio Source component
    private AudioSource audioSrc;

    // Music volume variable that will be modified
    // by dragging slider knob
    private float musicVolume = 1f;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        // Assign Audio Source component to control it
        audioSrc = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        // Setting volume option of Audio Source to be equal to musicVolume
        audioSrc.volume = musicVolume;

    // Method that is called by slider game object
    // This method takes vol value passed by slider
    // and sets it as musicValue
    public void SetVolume(float vol)
        musicVolume = vol;

AND a second script to save the sliders position after exiting the game:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class SliderSave : MonoBehaviour
    public Slider slider;

    public float sliderValue;

    public void Start()
        slider.value = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("save", sliderValue);

    public void ChangeSlider(float value)
        sliderValue = value;
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("save", sliderValue);


Thank you and I hope you can help!

Can I bump this?

Hey mate did you find a way to fix this ? I am currently having the absolute same issue