My model shows up with areas non rendered in model

Hi I’m working on some game assets and my model shows up with areas non rendered. I checked the normals on my model and they are ok but I even tried reversing them and still the same problem can anyone help? I use Maya for my modeling animation and texturing. Thanks.

Are some of the meshes negatively scaled?

Are you making sure you have enough materials on your mesh in Unity to cover all of the materials on your model…

Example… if you mesh is a room and it has a walls, floor and ceiling material, when you bring this into Unity, you need to have 3 materials on your mesh, one for each. If you only have 2 (lets say floor and walls), your ceiling geometry will not be visible in Unity.

This may not be your problem, but it sounds like it.

Have you tried just dragging the imported mesh prefab into the project view to see if it is all there?

No I have a quadraped creature that was created in Maya and I then applied the spec and bump on it.
Now the mesh shows up complete it’s that areas don’t render and you can see right through the other side.

Check your surface normals… Looking quickly that could be it. I know you said you flipped em but that sure looks like what it is.



Where on the game engine?

Not sure in the Unity engine. I am not in front of my Unity machine right now. There may be a setting on the import options. If not you will have to try again in Maya and then check the import settings.



I know I have done it in Maya and Unity odd I checked the material settings and all the textures are applied to the creature…hmm? Thanks for your help.

Any know the bone convention for a quadraped setup in Unity? I made one in maya but it wasn’t allowing the creature to render correctly in Unity I striped the bones and reversed normals in Maya then re-exported that seemed to have fixed the non-rendering areas in the game engine

Your normals are flipped.

I know you have double checked them in Maya but there is something you have to know about that : if you apply inversed scaling ( like to work on symmetrical object like your dino ), and then reset transforms, your normals will appear OK in Maya -even when you show them- but not OK in reality.

There is an “opposite” parameter in the attribute window of the object that causes the issue.

Thanks I already fipped them… now the issue is I can’t have the animation import them. I opened the character animation project from the tutorials and pretty much did the same naming convetion for my quadraped character and exported that with the character as a brachio@ilde.mb like the others were and nothing is animated? Any suggestions?