My models are getting exported into unity inside-out

I’ve made a model of a (made up) game handheld that was made in Blender, to use in a game I’m making in Unity, however, whenever I try to export it to fbx, the model is inside out, the textures are only showing on the inside. I’ve made sure the model has no faces looking inside and they aren’t any n-gons or anything like that on the model.

Here are some screenshots I’ve taken on the model on Blender and on Unity:

Blender models (how they should be):

Here’s how they turn out on Unity:
Unity Model 1 (Front)
Unity Model 2 (Back)

How do I fix this?

Sometime “baking” vertices positions works: in Blender, use on your object: object / Apply (ctrl A) / apply rotation or scale (or try other options from this menu). Then try exporting again.

Flip the faces in your 3D Modeling program. Otherwise, you’ll need to use a Unity shader that renders the opposite side of face, I’d just flip the faces. Whatever program you use to model, google how to flip faces in that application. If you’re exporting from Blender to FBX, try instead, just using the .blend file directly in Unity, since it is supported, I actually prefer .blend over .fbx if I’m using Blender, I’d only use .fbx if you’re using Maya or, some other native fbx program.

As above said, you’ve most likely messed up the normals of your model, in your modeling software they are probably pointing inwards, the reason it looks ok there is because most modeling software just render textures on both sides.

Hey guys. I don’t know the reason why and how but I managed to get my textures look normal. Try checking it out here:

Let me know if it works or not for you.

Blender and Unity seem to have a funny relationship when it comes to Normals. Go to your asset, and under the ‘Model’ tab, change Normals from ‘Import’ to ‘Calculate’. That should hopefully do the trick.

For anyone using Blender 2.8, in edit mode go to: Mesh (in the top menu next to the vertex/edge/face select boxes) → Normals → Flip.
Or, if you have default hotkeys: Alt + N, Flip.

I had ran into a similar problem, flipping normals didn’t fix it.

What I found was that during modeling I had used a cube with a negative Scale. I fixed the scaling and it fixed the problem.

I know this is an old thread but I want to add my simple solution.
In blender, enter edit more then hit a to select all verticies.
Next click shift + N to inverse all sides and re-import to your game.

Hope this helped :slight_smile: