My morale bar does not update while all the variables are working properly,Bar Image does not fill

I wanted to make a ‘morale’ bar that indicates how much morale soldiers have.
I used this script, and linked the morale bar I wanted to change.

[SerializeField] private Player origin;
[SerializeField] private Text cookiesText;

[SerializeField] private Image moraleBar;
private float maxMorale = 1500f;
public float currentMorale;

private void Awake()
    moraleBar = GetComponent<Image>();
private void Update()
    currentMorale = origin.morale;
    moraleBar.fillAmount = currentMorale / maxMorale;

However, the morale bar does not update in-game.
The console prints my fillAmount is working properly (between 0~1, depending on how much morale I have) so I guess there’s something wrong with the image reference.
So I double checked if I referred to any wrong images but no everything seems to be fine to me.

Please help :frowning: T.T

You sure you set the image mode to filled? Can you get the effect in the editor?195363-screenshot-2022-04-22-153240.png