My Ninja Project

I wrote all of the codes for this games and made all of the models. Only some of the textures are from Asset Store. :smile:

My Ninja project’s first update:

I think the game looks pretty cool. I can totally see this work as a mobile game.

very good work. This game looks good. Lilke SEG.Veenstra said I can also see this as a mobile game.

It wont be for mobile because controlling the ninja with iPhone or other mobile devices would be very hard. Think about it. Using PC is much more easier because while teleporting you can move your ninja, teleporting destination and rotation of your ninja. It would be very hard and fighting with mages would get even harder. It is even hard while using PC. I died about 6-7 times to record this video. :smile:

This is very cool. I like this a lot. This is very good for a first update! Also, it seems a bit hard to tell where the player is going to land, so maybe you should have something on the bottom, like a waypoint to tell where he is going to land. Maybe add a point light around him, or something to fix that. Anyways, good job

Actually, I have a waypoint to tell where the ninja is going to land. That little blue thing is the waypoint. :smile: Is it really that hard to see that thing?

This looks really cool! I’d like to play this! The only suggestion I have is that there’s some parts where it’s a little dark and it’s hard to see the ninja, so maybe if the darker parts were just a bit brighter it would balance it out… other than that, looks good. I like the obstacles and the fighting mechanics! Good work so far!

Thanks for your feedback. You said “if darker parts were just a bit brighter it would balance it out” but hey he is ninja,dude. He walks through shadows. :smile: