My "No-Work" Time

School is finally out, and so is my (4th) Unity trial. The job I interviewed for decided not to hire me, and the other job I applied for hasn’t gotten back to me yet (if they plan to at all). So now is a time where I don’t have to do any school work, and I don’t get to do any Unity work. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll still hang around the forums though, unlike last time. Now I have Unicade to keep me busy. My birthday is in July though, and I’m sure to get lots of money then. So, until July… uh… don’t ask me to do any… work…? I guess?

/me wonders why he made this topic in the first place, but decides to keep it for informative purposes.


One of the things I encourage you to do is create assets. With wings blender, equinox3d or whatever the latest freebie is, create heaps of models, get good at UV mapping, Brush up your photoshop-Theres a whole heap of great stuff you can still do…Tutorials etc.

Unity is the artists icing on the cake, the sweet bit you cant wait to savour last, so build build build…Periodically I dont mind downloading some assets and making a walkaround for you. I guarantee one day you’ll be a proud license holder…

You could even model characters, and through colaborating get someone else to rig an fbx version for Unity…

Theres heaps you can do to amuse yourself… :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll have your license soon enough!

that’s very good advice targos - if i divided up my learning time so far, it would be around 20% unity - 80% other stuff - and i still haven’t even gotten to animation yet ; )

Yeah, I know. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m really used to using Blender, so I’m holding out for the FBX-porter with animations. I’ll keep myself busy.

You’re right, Targos. Unity is the icing on the cake, the fun part of the process that ties all the other work together. For me it’s been nothing but building, modeling, rigging and texturing, with a little bit of Unity learning and experimentation thrown in here and there so that I don’t lose my mind. I mean, modeling, etc., can be fun–but there’s quite a lot of it to do before you can get to the actual game itself.

It’s taken me about a month to model, texture and rig a single character. Now I’m just starting to animate him for the first time.

Moldorma, have fun during your time off! If you do get heaps of money for your birthday, you might want to consider buying Cheetah3D, probably the most inexpensive ($130) and easy way to rig characters and get them into Unity.

Well, I don’t know how much I’ll get. I’ve gotten in the past between 150 and 300 something dollars. I want to make sure I’ll be able to buy Unity though. Who knows, by then maybe blender will finally work. :smile:

right there with ya ; )