My objects are falling to slowly when a rigidbody is attached, cab you help?

When i attach a Rigidbody to an object, it falls at a very slow speed and no matter how much I increase the mass it falls at exactly the same speed every time.

it falls about 75% slow than this Unity tutorial

There is no code attached and the rigidbody has the default settings.

What can the be problem?

There are a lot of misconceptions here. Do not do the following:

  • Change the force of gravity in your scene.
  • Add an extra force in code.
  • Change the mass.

~A very long time ago, Galileo found out mass doesn’t affect freefall time. I am very confident the problem with your scene is the scaling. Look at this gif:
alt text
These objects are all the same except in that they are larger than each other. Keep in mind that, in Unity, 1 unit = 1 meter. Scale everything accordingly. If everything is scaled properly, I promise everything will fall realistically. If you have an object with a very large size, it will fall extremely slowly.

I’m having the same problem. I’ve narrowed it down to the Animator - when I disable the Animator component, the object falls as expected… not sure why

i think its a coding mistake , you’re setting the rididbody.velocity.y = 0 in the code somewhere, and that makes the jumping fast (since its a force set from code) but the falling slow since its not set from code , the physics update get a few milliseconds between each Update frame to do its physics thingy but it get stopped once the velocity.y = 0 happens , or atleast thats the problem i had …

Are you sure that no other script are running elsewhere and impacting your falling speed ?

Are you sure you didn’t alterate the time flow (Project settings/Time) ?

Maybe you have modified the weight of your object or the gravity of the app ?

I had an issue like this, I was doing some first person rigidbody-based movement, and this was my code

void Update()
    float hMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
    float vMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
    MoveDir = (hMove * transform.right + vMove * transform.forward).normalized;
void FixedUpdate()
void Move()
    rb.velocity = MoveDir * speed * Time.deltaTime;

and it was working all well and fine, until I started to the jumping portion of the script, the player fell like a feather. I hadn’t changed any gravity or mass or anything like that, but what was causing the problem is that when I set rb.velocity to MoveDir, MoveDir.y = 0, so every fixed update the object was barely falling. So to fix this issue I did this

void Update()
    float hMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
    float vMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
    MoveDir = (hMove * transform.right + vMove * transform.forward + new Vector3(0, rb.velocity.y, 0)).normalized;
// i gave MoveDir a y value of whatever the y velocity was at the time, so it was essentially unaffected.
void FixedUpdate()
void Move()
    rb.velocity = MoveDir * speed * Time.deltaTime;

Hope this helps!

I’m new, and I had the same issue, and I just found out that its simply solved with a simple script that its task is to set the object’s Y value to its current value (I don’t really know how to put it), but here is the code (make sure you put the script in the object that you want to fix);

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class physics : MonoBehaviour
    Rigidbody rb; /*create a variable of the Rigidbody filetype, and set it to "rb"*/

    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); /*gives the variable a value*/

    void Update()
        rb.velocity = new Vector3 (rb.vector.x, rb.vector.y, rb.vector.z); /*sets the position of the object to its position in the world*/

This worked for me and I hope it does for you too!

I’ve checked older Unity files and the objects fall at the right speed, i just have no idea why they don’t in my current project

  1. What is your friction/drag set to?

  2. What is your gravity set to?
    Edit → Project Settings → Physics Settings (or Physics2D Settings)

  3. Do you have a floor or other object that could be causing friction/drag resistance?

Did you find an answer to this? I am having the same issue and can’t find anything.


Have you checked you have dragged the object into the scene after you’ve changed it? Rather than testing the same game object with the old settings in whilst changing settings in the inspector

You should go to Mars. I’m not joking. You shoud increase gravity values of your game enviroment.
Click Edit tab

Choose (Project Setting/Physics). And change gravity values of Gravity Manager.

I had the same problem. I just add downward force anytime the rigid body has a less that zero y vector. Playing with the amount of force will help fine tune.