My PC bluescreened during a build, now all new projects are broken


I was working on a basic 2D Rock-Paper-Scissors game for Windows and WebGL and when I tried to build it my PC unexpectedly blue-screened. After restarting, I reopened the project, which initially had bizarre errors. I somehow managed to fix them, but I don’t remember the specific error messages.

Since then, every new Unity project I create has compile errors and only opens in Safe Mode. I’ve uninstalled all Unity editors and the Unity Hub twice, and I’ve also deleted all related folders in AppData, but the issue persists. The error messages seem to vary depending on the Unity version I use.

Here’s an example of the errors from a brand-new 3D project in a fresh installation of Unity 6:

Shader Compiler IPC Exception: Terminating shader compiler process

Shader compiler: Compile Hidden/Universal/CoreBlit - CubeToOctahedralRed, Fragment Program: Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process. Please report a bug including this shader and the editor log. Error code 0x80000004 (Not connected).

Shader compiler: Compile Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/BokehDepthOfField - Bokeh Depth Of Field CoC, Vertex Program: Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process. Please report a bug including this shader and the editor log. Error code 0x80000004 (Not connected).

Shader error in ‘Hidden/Universal/CoreBlit’: Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process. Please report a bug including this shader and the editor log. Error code 0x80000004 (Not connected).

Shader error in ‘Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/BokehDepthOfField’: Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process. Please report a bug including this shader and the editor log. Error code 0x80000004 (Not connected).

There are usually significant reasons for a bluescreen to occur - most commonly a driver or hardware fault. It’s extremely unusual for new Unity projects to cause such issues persistently when they hadn’t just before the crash. These issues wouldn’t happen if everything were alright with your system, be it OS or hardware.

After your PC crashed, who knows what other files this may have corrupted. It’s possible that your system needs repairing.

Try running the usual Windows repair procedures to ensure system integrity. You may also want to run tools that ensure the hardware is running stable, eg Furmark + Prime95 and a system hardware integrity tests.

Your shader compiles are borked, probably just delete the library folder cause stuff is corrupted. Maybe corrupted by driver issues?

Reinstalling unity won’t fix library issues.