When I get too close to obstacles like trees or wood, my character gets stuck in the direction I was going and only unsticks when I change direction. How could I fix this?
This is probably because the tile assets have their collider type set to “Sprite”. If this is so, Unity will auto generate collider shapes for them that have a similar shape to the sprites, which in the case of the fences for example, would result in bulges that you can get stuck on.
You can change the collider type for each tile to “Grid” and this will set the collider shape to a simple square that is the size of the tile cell.
If you want the collider to be narrower so that it reflects more accurately with the fence’s thickness, then you can leave it set to “Sprite” but you’ll have to manually draw the sprite’s physics shape yourself instead. You can do this by going inside the Sprite Editor for the texture you want to edit, and in the top left change the dropdown menu from “Sprite Editor” to “Custom Physics Shape”.
I switched to Grid and it worked, man, thank you so much!