My player wont move anymore,My Player won't move anymore

Hey! I was working on my Unity project (I’m new to unity and C#) everything was fine, but I can’t move anymore. 10 minutes ago everything worked fine.

Here is my project if it helps.

Please help me I really want to keep working, but I can’t, and I don’t know why
(I don’t have any errors),Hey! I was working on my project(Im new to Unity and C#) but when i clicked play my Player won’t move although it was still working 10 minutes ago ( there are no errors)

here is my project if it helps

please help me I really want to keep working but i cant

Ok, I downloaded the project and run it with 2021.1. In PlayerMovementAdvanced.cs:

I have found that moveSpeed is 0 (if you initialize it to 10f at the start the player moves).
I also set the floor tile to Layer Ground (it was Wall).

So you have to sort something out in the SmoothlyLerpMoveSpeed() which is the only place you set moveSpeed.