My player's rigidbody has a "strange" force.

I was creating new stuff in my game until i found this “bug” :
-Link to the GIF (wait when i press the yellow block)-
My player moves slowly to a direction, i think it’s the rigidbody but the force decreases veryyyyy slowly…I’ve checked ALL my game’s scripts, but nothing.Any Help?!


#pragma strict

var speed : float = 5.0;
var realSpeed : float;
var grounded : boolean;
var isCrouch : boolean;

var canRun : boolean = true;
var canCrouch : boolean = true;
var canJump : boolean = true;

var raycastOrigin : Transform;
var layerMask : LayerMask;

var rigidVar : Rigidbody;
var jumpForce : float;
var direction : Vector3 =;
private var hit : RaycastHit;
var dist : float = 1;
private var dir : Vector3;

function Update () {
	direction = Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Left/Right") * realSpeed, rigidVar.velocity.y, Input.GetAxis("Backward/Forward") * realSpeed);
	direction = transform.TransformDirection(direction);
	dir = Vector3(0,-1,0);
			grounded = true;
			grounded = false;
	if(Input.GetAxis("Run") > 0.1 && !isCrouch && canRun){
		realSpeed = speed * 2;
	}else if(isCrouch){
		realSpeed = speed / 2;
		realSpeed = speed;
	        isCrouch = false;
		if(grounded && canJump && !isCrouch){
			rigidVar.AddForce(0,jumpForce * 100,0, ForceMode.Impulse);
	if(Input.GetButtonDown("Crouch") && canCrouch && grounded){
		isCrouch = !isCrouch;

function FixedUpdate(){
	var realDirection : Vector3 = Vector3(direction.x * realSpeed, 0, direction.z * realSpeed);
	rigidVar.MovePosition(transform.position + realDirection * Time.deltaTime);

It seems like your character is moving to its left whatever direction you look at. I would advice checking the Axis in the Input Settings.

Thanks for your answers guys, but i changed the system for moving with rigidbody, check this out : link text