My players rotates instantly, how do I make them rotate over time? Grid-Based DRPG

Hi everyone! I’m new to Unity & Visual Scripting, and I’m trying to get my player to rotate correctly in my grid-based RPG.

I’ve managed to get them moving and turning, but they rotate instantly, because the values change when an input is detected. I’d like them to rotate over X amount of time. In the first node setup below, which works perfectly for movement and rotation without animation, my player moves around with WASD and rotates 90deg with QE.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I tried adding the nodes in the second screenshot, with this setup my player turns (hooray!) but only when I hold down the key.

I’m definitely fundamentally misunderstanding something here, I’m quite new and would love any insight I can get, even if it’s just a nudge in the right direction :slight_smile:

[apologes for not putting screenshots & gifs inline, my account is too new to allow that]