My Raycast shoot won't work

public var rayDirection : Ray;

static public var applyDamage : boolean = false;

public var bloodSplash : GameObject;
private var blood1;

function Update(){

var Forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);
var rayDirection = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Forward, 500);

Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, Forward * 1000,;

var rayHit : RaycastHit;

			shotFire = Instantiate(skottEld, transform.position,transform.rotation); //particles
			Destroy(shotFire, 3);		
    ammo = ammo - 1;
	if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.up ,rayHit,10)){
		//var objectHit : GameObject = rayHit.Collider.gameObject;
		if(rayHit.collider == "Target"){
		blood1 = Instantiate(bloodSplash, rayHit.point,Quaternion.LookRotationrotation
	 Destroy(blood1, 2); 


The script will be attached to a gun or main camera.

I want the bloodSplash to instantiate at the target(enemy) aswell as do my applyDMG function, the applyDMG should work. The problem is the raycast, I am very new to raycasting and would really appreciate some help!

It’s all become a great mess because I have tried different ways of solving it and now I am just lost. Thanks in advance! /Fetdressing

Ah, I think see your problem. Since when is a collider equal to a string? It will always return false. Use instead, or GameObject.tag.