My runtime (game) won't reset back to how it was?

I increase the scale of the objects when it passes a certain time or in this case, my “difficulty”

 //Spawn Size
float spawnSize = 8;

void Update()
    if (Time.time > nextSpawnTime)
        float SpawningInBetween = Mathf.Lerp(spawnsMinMax.y, spawnsMinMax.x, Difficulty.GetDifficultyPercent());
        nextSpawnTime = Time.time + SpawningInBetween;

        if(Difficulty.GetDifficultyPercent() > 0.7f)
            fallingRockPrefab.transform.localScale = * spawnSize;

Then as expected, the object increases the size after it passed that conditions so i want to revert back to its previous state so i remove:

 if(Difficulty.GetDifficultyPercent() > 0.7f)
        fallingRockPrefab.transform.localScale = * spawnSize;

but when I saved it and go back to unity, the object still in its “increased” size right at the start. What’s happening?

You are modifying the prefab instead of the instance. Modifications made to a prefab are permanent, even in play mode. Try scaling up the instances you create from fallingRockPrefab instead.

Thank you. Since you said it is from a prefab, i just reset all on the prefab itself. Thank you so much