My scene freezes when loaded from previous scene

I have designed a game in Unity 3D which has multiple levels, I can browse through these levels in the main menu.

The problem is that when I first start the game, I select a level from main menu and it loads alright without any problems and the game also runs, but after finishing the level when I go back to main menu and select any other level to play or even the same level, then, the level does load but, it freezes, in the sense that nothing happens, just the level loads, but, the game doesn’t start.

I have used a loading screen which appears between scenes(,it makes use of LoadLevelAsync()).

Can anyone please help?

Video thats shows the problem:

As you can see towards the end, when I select the level-2, it does load, but the game doesn’t run.

(Also, there seems to be no problem with level-2, since, it does work fine independently.)

Can you tell me whether you’re loading scenes additively or by themselves?

@MJamPeanut it’s fine, I figured the problem, it was soemthing else. Thanks anyways.