My script does not work anymore

I have used this script and everything worked fine. But now does not work, I can’t understand what happened. I think it is an error on Unity. What do you think?

#pragma strict
     var mainPrefab : GameObject;
     var secondPrefab : GameObject;
     var thirdPrefab : GameObject;
     var fourthPrefab : GameObject;
     function OnTriggerEnter2D(other:Collider2D)
    switch( Random.Range(0,4))
            case 01:secondPrefab.transform.position.x = mainPrefab.transform.position.x +(35); secondPrefab.transform.position.y = -1.7; Debug.Log("One");  break;
            case 02:thirdPrefab.transform.position.x = mainPrefab.transform.position.x +(35); thirdPrefab.transform.position.y = -1.7; Debug.Log("Two"); break;     
            case 03:fourthPrefab.transform.position.x = mainPrefab.transform.position.x +(35); fourthPrefab.transform.position.y= -1.7; Debug.Log("three");  break;

I make a 2D Endless Runner. I want spawn the platform where the character run. But now doesn’t work anymore.

Please use CODE tag when pasting code and explain more about what is not working and what is expected.

Can you explain it , any errors getting while the scene is played ?

You need to add default: break; in end of your switch.

while my scene is playing everything is ok. But the script looks like desactivate. I do not know how to explain it. Two weeks ago that script worked perfectly