my second audio not working

my first audio is When helicopter engine start. it will play and its fine

my second audio when helicopter fall it will explode but no explosion sound. can some1 help me thx

my first audio is inside fixed update switch case:1 audio.PlayOneShot(sound);
under function Update(){ audio.pitch = rotor_Velocity; // this 2 belong to first audio

my second audio here: // not working

var explosion : Transform;

var sound1 :AudioClip;  // my second audio

function OnCollisionEnter(Col : Collision){

if( == "Terrain")

    if(occur == true)

       var explosion1 : Transform;

       explosion1 = Instantiate(explosion,transform.position,transform.rotation);





What I do is make the explosion sound tied to the explosion…

Set your explosion prefab to have your explosion sound, and set it to Automatically Play.

Then when you instantiate the explosion, the sound will play.

You do have to be careful with this though, because if the explosion is set to Auto Destroy, and it stops emitting before the sound is done, the sound will cut off when the explosion is destroyed.
Just make the emitter last long enough.