My server don't work when I'm using Android as Server

I have an application which has a Server and many clients using Unity Transport, my server will be run in a ChromeBook (Android), but when I run the application in the ChromeBook, the application crash and close it.

OSB: I tried with ther Server in Windows and Android Client and that’s work! But the inverse don’t work.

Could you share the logs of the server when it crashes?

I call the method “SelectVideo()” and the next lines are:


Which version of the transport package are you using? Also, are you using Netcode for GameObjects? Are you using the Unity Relay service? If so, what are the versions of the related packages?

I’m just using Unity Transport, at the 2.1.0 version

How have you determined that the crash is related to Unity Transport? At a glance from the backtrace it doesn’t appear related. Maybe you’d get more relevant advice from the Android section of the forum.

I did some tests, I tried to log a NetworkDriver.ReceiveErrorCode when start a scene, and Crashed too, closing the application. And the same log works in Windows.

If you can provide a minimum reproduction project (e.g. a small piece of code that on its own can cause a crash), then please file a bug report. You can do so directly from within Unity through the Help menu. And please report the case number here so I can track it internally.

I will try, Thank you!