My Splash Screen Script Wont Work

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Splash : MonoBehaviour {
public int level = (PWMENU) ; //Level to open after splash
public float setTime = 3.0f; //Duration before loading next level
public float dimTime = 2.0f; //Duration Before Staring to Fade or Dim Lights
public Light dimLight; //Main Light Source to Dim
public float zoomSpeed = 0.2f; //Speed at which camera zooms in
Camera c;
float timer; // Use this for initialization
transform.TransformDirection() = GetComponent (); //Find attached Camera Component
timer = 0.0f; //Initializes Timer to 0

	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		timer += Time.deltaTime; //Adds Time.deltaTime to timer each update
		c.fieldOfView -= zoomSpeed; //Zooms in Camera
		if (timer > dimTime && timer < setTime) {
			dimLight.intensity -= zoomSpeed; //Dims Lights
		} else if (timer > setTime) {
			Application.LoadLevel (PWMENU) ; //Loads Level at index

Your code was quite broken. Not sure where you managed to get all different kinds of strings like AssemblyQualifiedName or trying to assign the camera to the result from a function call. I tried my best to understand your intent, but you didn’t say what was wrong.

I did try this on a new scene with a camera, some object to look at and a light source that was dimming so I guess it works.


using UnityEngine;

public class Splash : MonoBehaviour
    public int level = 0;           // Level to open after splash
    public float setTime = 3.0f;    // Duration before loading next level
    public float dimTime = 2.0f;    // Duration Before Staring to Fade or Dim Lights
    public Light dimLight;          // Main Light Source to Dim
    public float zoomSpeed = 0.2f;  // Speed at which camera zooms in

    new Camera camera;
    float timer;

    void Start()
        camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
        timer = 0.0f;

    void Update()
        timer += Time.deltaTime;
        camera.fieldOfView -= zoomSpeed;

        if (timer > dimTime && timer < setTime)
            dimLight.intensity -= zoomSpeed;
        else if (timer > setTime)