my terrain...

i started making this terrain few days ago…
still have work to do on it but here’s some pictures:

please give some improvment advices…

I’m sure it’s awesome. :stuck_out_tongue: I’d let you know what I really thought if there was anything there.

Don’t see any pics dude…

sorry… problems with uploading them… fixed!

Looks nice!

The amount of grass(and the healthyness) doesn’t seem work well with the rocks and red/sand ground. Also there is grass on the rock which is not really possible;) It’s a start but needs more work!

Good luck

It could be moss? :slight_smile:

What is the context of this? What is it for?

That’s a very nice terrain topography wise, but the grass on the mountains does look out of place. I bet it would look much more realistic if you only had grass in the valley. Or, the grass might look good on the mountains if the mountains themselves were green and tropical like in Hawaii or Indonesia.

the grass contex is to be some dry ground grass and to fill the scene untill ill made some other models of stones boulders etc. …
it comes green because i still havn’t made some good models and textures to use them in the scene…
a picture without the grass:

For a totally-rad looking lightmap, export the heightmap and lightmap, and do the following in photoshop:

Filter->Other->HighPass->8.0 pixels
Filter->Sharpen->Unsharp Mask->500%, 32 pixels
Ctrl+F (or mac equivalent) to repeat once.
Levels, Set Max input level to 130 (from 255)
Copy the whole thing

Set to multiply, tweak till it looks right (60% ish should be ok)
Save and use that “overwrite current texture” script to use this new lightmap