My Truck Game

This game is an attempt to use a combination of soft and rigid bodies in order to try and simulate a truck with a focus on tire deformation and suspension.

I am using Truss Physics for tires, for the suspension and for the frame of the truck.

At the moment there is nothing to do except for truck driving in the desert.

Demo My Truck Game Demo file - Unity Games - IndieDB


Cool, would you mind showing some detail how you got this setup with truss? I imagine it is not that easy… Any pointers would be cool to see.

Have you ever tested it over 100mph/160kmh ? Because node/beam tires have serious stretch issues over that speed.

Yes, there are problems at high speeds but my game focuses on off road driving at lower speeds and the issues are not bad at speeds under 100 km/h

What do you need help with? Just keep in mind that I am pretty bad at this

I released a demo My Truck Game Demo file - Unity Games - IndieDB
Can anyone test it to see if it actually works?

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Gave it a try :slight_smile:
Download broke/cut a few times, eventually got it and played, it not bad! What kind of feedback are looking for? The truck/sim part is very good, now you need other parts like scenery/roads/missions etc.

I would like to see if you can give a sample of how you used truss in your truck, I would love to setup my own off road car with that , the soft body wheels will be useful, would you be willing to give any info, e.g. how are wheels setup? what drive the car, e.g. scripts?

Good luck and your game is very good sofar!

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The main thing about the demo was to find out if it works for other people and if there’s any major problem

If you bought Truss Physics you can ask the author for the red car demo and you can get a lot of info from the way that is setup.

I can try to help you but for some scripts like the steering and brakes I used stuff from that demo and I don’t think I can share those parts without permission.

I can help you with the other parts of the setup.

The truck is driven by applying torque to the rims which are rigid bodies

Impressive result, great sounds, physics, moving parts. My engine stalls when I hit front part of truck hard at higher speeds on bumps :slight_smile: and when I press hand brake and turn at high speed, the truck rolled sideways :slight_smile: on desert surface. Really impressive, good job.